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 Greetings to All Sentient Beings of the galaxy and Higher Interdimensional Life Forms, I am Dr. Nebula, ( aka Mark Hill ) Cosmic Soul Brother Number 1. I, am the artist and creator of the Space Safarians. I created my cartoon characters  back in 1982 (telling my age huh?) my inspirations for my characters were: Sci-fi movies (Star Wars and Star Trek), comic books (Marvel and DC), video games, Hannah- Barbera cartoons and Electro-Funk Hip Hop music.


I was born July 29, 1970  in the city of Fort Walton Beach, Florida and at the age of four I discovered that I had a natural talent for drawing. I would entertain people I knew with the stuff I could draw (ie; Charlie Brown and Snoopy, Mickey Mouse, Fred Flintstone etc). By the time I was twelve, that's when I got into comic books heavily and the ideas started to flow. I created The Space Safarians! As the years went by I kept refining my characters and the story lines until this point.


I'm also a veteran of the US ARMY of twelve years, while I was serving my country I designed murals, t-shirts and even had an army comic strip called "Dog Faced Soldiers" that ran for about a year in the Fort Gordon Signal Newspaper. Doing the comic was a lot fun for me and gave me a small glimpse of fame. But I what I do is not about fame or fortune, its for the love of the genre! I believe what I have created adds something to the comic world and one day hopefully an animated series!










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